Bibliothèques et archives municipales de Besançon


Dürer für Berlin

Dürer für Berlin

eine Spurensuche im Kupferstichkabinett
Autre(s) titre(s) :
Kulturforum, Berlin
Kulturforum, Berlin
Edition :
Résumé : With around 130 masterpieces, the exhibition showcases Albrecht Dürer's entire artistic oeuvre. For the first time, the multi-faceted history of the inventory itself is also made visible. It leads from the beginnings of the Kupferstichkabinett in 1831 and the founding of the Reich in 1871, through the Gründerzeit and the years of National Socialism to the war-related division of the holdings and their reunification in the Kulturforum in 1994. Today, the Berlin Kupferstichkabinett has one of the world's most important collections of hand drawings and prints by Dürer--éditeur
Description :
1 vol. (343 p.)
Format :
29 cm
Editeur(s) :
Berlin , Hatje Cantz Verlag C 2023
Identifiant :
978-3-7757-5475-0 3-7757-5475-X
Traduit de :
Autre(s) Note(s) :
Bibliographie pages 328-339. Notes bibliographiques. Index
Extraits musicaux
Extraits vidéos
Extrait du livre
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Exemplaires : Dürer für Berlin
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Dürer für Berlin LivrePrêt normalMusée des Beaux-Arts et d'ArchéologieAdulteBibliothèque Musée des Beaux-Arts3.DUREEn rayon

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