Bibliothèques et archives municipales de Besançon


Loan Exhibition of Masterpieces of Drawing from the Musée de Besançon

Loan Exhibition of Masterpieces of Drawing from the Musée de Besançon

for the benefit of the museum to be held at Knoedler Galleries, 14 East fifty-seventh street, New York City, October 28 to November 13, 1954.
Autre(s) titre(s) :
New York
New York
Knoedler Galerries
Knoedler Galerries
Edition :
Description :
1 vol. [30 p.]
Format :
15 x 23 cm
Traduit de :
Autre(s) Note(s) :
When the exhibition leaves the Knoedler Galleries, it will be shown at the folowing museums : Currier Gallery of Art, Manchester ; Detroit Institute of arts ; Cincinnati Art Museum ; California Palace of Legion of Honor, San Franscisco.
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Exemplaires : Loan Exhibition of Masterpieces of Drawing from the Musée de Besançon
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Loan Exhibition of Masterpieces of Drawing from the Musée de Besançon LivrePrêt normalMusée des Beaux-Arts et d'ArchéologieMagasinsBibliothèque Musée des Beaux-Arts4A.1.MBAAEn rayon

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